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Jonas Brothers – LA Baby ''New Song''2010 Mir_se10
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Jonas Brothers – LA Baby ''New Song''2010 Mir_se10
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 Jonas Brothers – LA Baby ''New Song''2010

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Numri i postimeve : 8249
Data regjis. : 06/11/2009

Jonas Brothers – LA Baby ''New Song''2010 Empty
MesazhJonas Brothers – LA Baby ''New Song''2010

Jonas Brothers – LA Baby ''New Song''2010 O5c84o

A fresh material which is recorded by Jonas Brothers for upcoming season of their Disney Channel’s Original Series “J.O.N.A.S!” has made its debut. It’s titled “LA Baby” and contains pop/rock sounds like the band’s previous records.
Music video for this soundtrack is expected to be premiered soon. To tide fans over, a sneak peek has been released, featuring the three brothers Kevin Jonas, Joe Jonas and Nick Jonas driving a car with their two co-stars Chelsea Staub and Nicole Anderson.
Beside promoting the TV series through its soundtrack, Jonas Brothers are also gearing up to support the Mouse House’s Original Movie “Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam” in a tour with Demi Lovato and other co-stars beginning July 27 in Dallas, Texas.


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Jonas Brothers – LA Baby ''New Song''2010

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