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BricsCad Platinium v11.2.5 Portable Mir_se10
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BricsCad Platinium v11.2.5 Portable Mir_se10
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 BricsCad Platinium v11.2.5 Portable

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MesazhBricsCad Platinium v11.2.5 Portable

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BricsCad Platinium v11.2.5 Portable | 171

Bricsys announces Bricscad V11 Platinum for Windows, a new
version enabling 3D parametric solid modeling for users who want to work both in
2D and 3D without leaving the .dwg environment. 2D designers are finally able to
use powerful 3D parametric capabilities integrated into their familiar User

Bricscad V11 Platinum adds six new tool pallets to Bricscad.
Primitives such as box, cylinder, cone, sphere, torus and wedge are available
together with extrude, revolve and sweep operations. By combining these through
Boolean operations – union, subtract, intersect – the user can form complex
composite solid shapes.

The Bricscad Platinum "X-Solids" environment
captures the history of solids as they are created, allowing parametric editing
of these solids at any time. Any primitive parameter can be easily changed, even
after the primitives have been combined into a composite shape. Primitives
within composites can be moved, copied, rotated, deleted and more while still
within the composite solid. Fillets and chamfers can be resized or removed,
slices can be moved or deleted, and Boolean operations can be undone one step at
a time or all at once.

Bricscad Platinum users can create 2D geometry
from single or multiple solids via the "QuickDraw" utility. QuickDraw
automatically creates and aligns 2D geometry for up to 10 views at once for
easily created detail drawings.

2D designers are finally able to use
powerful 3D parametric capabilities integrated into their familiar User
Interface. This keeps the learning curve very short for creating advanced 3D
designs and automatically deriving all 2D drawings from it. All files – both 3D
and 2D – are based natively on the .dwg file format. The ACIS kernel built into
Bricscad Pro and Platinum performs fast solid modeling operations and accurate
hidden line removal.

Bricscad V11 Platinum also includes an extended 3D
hardware library developed from the highly acclaimed SI Mechanical software
created and copyrighted by Scott Hull. Parametric objects of all kinds – nuts,
bolts, screws, pins, and more – are instantly created or resized at the touch of
a button.

What's new in version 11.2.5 -


  • Platinum - When selecting to add X-Hardware items the options dialog is now
    immediately shown with the corresponding settings for the selected part, and
    after confirming the dialog the user can add the item multiple times.
  • Platinum - When using QuickDraw with "Front By" as View or UCS the
    projections are now correctly displayed.
  • Platinum - QuickDraw hidden lines no longer duplicate existing visible
  • Platinum - QuickDraw hidden lines now have lower draworder than visible
  • Platinum - Added QuickDraw default layers QD-Hidden and


  • When a command from the command history is placed on the commandline by
    pressing the up or down arrow, the commandline should get the focus(so left and
    right keys should work right away).
  • SR22984 : when using accelerator F3 to toggle snap, the apbox left a ghost
    on screen.
  • SR24038 : it was not possible to import user profiles from file with User
    Profile Manager dialog or /p + .arg file, if these were from different versions
    or languages.
  • SR25428 : user-defined context menu items (in partial cui-file) had no
  • SR26226 DIMORDINATE was cancelled in paper space if snapping to a model
    space entity was triggered.
  • SR27631 : regression since V11.2.3: When drawing circles, entity snap was
    not honored when ORTHOMODE was on.
  • SR18273 SR18243 SR23265 : added missing system variables to Settings dialog
    and getvar/setvar commands: - MILLISECS, LOFTANG1, LOFTANG2, LOFTMAG1, LOFTMAG2,
    LOFTNORMALS, LOFTPARAM - fixed MENUNAME sysvar (always returned "default"; now
    returns correct cui-filename with path)
  • SR24524 : viewport erase/create sequence caused that a viewport ID (dxf 69)
    was no longer accepted by CVPORT. Now viewports are only reindexed on opening
    the drawing.

Application Development

  • SR27589 - DCL/LISP : When using escape to close a dcl dialog, the escape key
    could also cancel the current lisp function. Indeed, the lisp engine responded
    to the escape key still being down by the time the dcl dialog was gone. This has
    been fixed. After using escape to close a dcl dialog, for a short period the
    lisp engine will not respond to the escape key being down.
  • SR25222 - BRX: resolved compatiblity issues with
  • SR27585 - BRX: fix for CAdUiPaletteSet::OnSize(): in certain scenarios where
    the palette set was resized, it shrank to a couple of pixels making itself
  • SR27491 LISP (command) : regression in V11.2.3 - (command nil) was ignored,
    but should work as "cancel" like (command) for most cases.
  • SR27617 COM API AcadArc.TotalAngle can return negative

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